Woman remanded over damage to US plane at Shannon

A 50-year-old anti-war protester has been remanded in custody for a week after being charged with causing criminal damage to …

A 50-year-old anti-war protester has been remanded in custody for a week after being charged with causing criminal damage to a US Navy plane at Shannon Airport early this morning.

Ms Mary Kelly, with an address at the 'peace camp' outside the airport, was remanded on bail at Killaloe District Court after refusing to sign a €5,000 bond was placed in custody until February 5th.

Insp Tom Kennedy said the cost of the damage to the 737 aircraft is put by airport authorities at a minimum of €500,000 and that the aircraft will be grounded for a number of days.

The court heard the aircraft suffered damage to its nose, its hydraulic lines and its front wheel after being struck repeatedly with a hatchet.


The court heard Ms Kelly was arrested near the plane on the grounds of the airport at 5 a.m. and that she had a hatchet in her hand at the time of her arrest.

When arrested Ms Kelly said: "I am not guilty as charged, I did what I have done with lawful excuse."

Ms Kelly was charged with causing criminal damage "without lawful excuse" under Section 2 of the Criminal Damage Act 1991.

Ms Kelly's solicitor, Mr John Noonan said his client, a mother and a nurse, had not committed any offence and her purpose was to prevent the aircraft flying on from Shannon airport.

Mr Noonan said that the figure of €500,000 in damage to the aircraft was questionable at best.

Ms Kelly was remanded in custody after failing to meet the bail conditions and will to re-appear before Tulla District Court next Wednesday, February 5th.