Woman held over racist tirade

An English woman who launched into a racist tirade aimed at fellow passengers as she sat on a south London tram has been arrested…

An English woman who launched into a racist tirade aimed at fellow passengers as she sat on a south London tram has been arrested this evening after a clip of her abuse went viral on YouTube.

The white woman, travelling on the Croydon to Wimbledon service, was filmed by a fellow passenger as she abused black passengers in an expletive-filled rant while her toddler son sat quietly on her lap.

In the clip, which lasts over two minutes, the woman targets her racist attack at black people and Poles and demands that all foreign commuters "go back to their own country".

She aims her insults at a number of black commuters, some with children. "What has this country come to?...with loads of black people and a load of f--king Polish," she says.

Eventually, fellow passengers ask her to stop and a row breaks out between her and a number of other commuters.

The video, labelled "My Tram Experience", was uploaded to YouTube by user ladyk89 yesterday.

It went viral after it was spread via Twitter. Some 125,000 people have viewed the video, which has attracted more than 14,500 comments.

After being made aware of the Twitter hashtag #mytramexperience, the British Transport Police appealed for help in identifying the woman. "We will not tolerate racism in any form on the rail network and will do everything in our power to locate the person responsible," the BTP said.

It confirmed this evening that a 34-year-old woman had been arrested "for a racially aggravated public order offence".


Note: The video below contains offensive language.

Conor Pope

Conor Pope

Conor Pope is Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Pricewatch Editor and cohost of the In the News podcast