Witness tells incest trial of alleged rape by her husband

A Woman told her father's incest trial yesterday that she had also been raped by her husband whom she had married when she was…

A Woman told her father's incest trial yesterday that she had also been raped by her husband whom she had married when she was 16.

The 28-year-old woman, from the west of Ireland, made the claim when told her estranged husband would deny he helped her father put pressure on her to withdraw her sex abuse allegations. Referring to her husband, she said: "He was like him. He raped me as well."

She told the Central Criminal Court that her father began sexually abusing her when she was seven.

"He'd have a go at me maybe four or five times a week. He would have a choice between me and (sister)." The abuse, which also involved oral sex, stopped when she was aged 14. She left home two years later and married, she said.


On Tuesday her 29-year-old sister alleged she had been raped and abused by her father over an 11-year period. She claimed he made the family's terrier dog have sex with her.

Their father has pleaded not guilty to 51 charges of rape, unlawful carnal knowledge and indecent assault of the women on unknown dates from 1978 to 1989.

The younger daughter agreed yesterday with Mr Michael Durack SC (with Ms Mary Ellen Ring BL), prosecuting, that the separation from her husband had become very bitter.

Under cross-examination by Mr Bernard Madden BL (with Mr Patrick McCarthy SC), she said she was prompted to make a complaint when her sister and her sister's husband called to her home to say they were on their way to gardai. She denied she had discussed what to say with her sister.

Asked why she had waited for seven years after leaving the family home before making an official complaint, she said she made her statement to gardai because she feared for the safety of a younger sister and her brothers.

She agreed with Mr Madden that her ex-husband, her mother, another sister and brothers did not support the abuse claims.

Mr Madden put it to her that her estranged husband would deny her claim that her father approached them in a pub in August 1996 and offered her a £1,000 car to withdraw her complaint. "I'm telling you the truth. He is telling the lies," she answered.

She said her father and husband pressurised her so much that she withdrew her complaint.

She also alleged to the jury of nine men and three women that her father's sexual abuse of her started when she was aged about seven. She said her sister had been present during one or two incidents.

"I could hear (sister's name) crying because he was having sex with her. He just told her to shut up. I can't remember any more than this. I didn't have to do anything else," she said.

She described another occasion when her mother was in hospital, pregnant with their young brother.

She said she and her sister were in a bed with one of her brothers at the bottom of it. "My father came in and he started messing with me first, then (sister). He was so drunk he couldn't do anything else."

The trial before Mrs Justice McGuinness and a jury continues today.