William Trevor novel shortlisted for Booker Prize

Irish-born author William Trevor is among those shortlisted for the Booker Prize.

Irish-born author William Trevor is among those shortlisted for the Booker Prize.

His novel, The Story of Lucy Gault, published by Viking, was nominated along with five other authors today.

Also nominated were Yann Martel's Life of Pi; Rohinton Mistry's Family Matters; Carol Shields's Unless; Sarah Waters's Fingersmithand Tim Winton's Dirt Music.

The shortlist was announced in London by the chair of the judges, Prof Lisa Jardine - a writer, critic and broadcaster.


She is joined on the panel by a number of prominent writers and academics including, David Baddiel, Salley Vickers, Celyn Jones and Erica Wagner.

The winner receives £50,000 sterling and a boost in sales and recognition worldwide. Each of the six shortlisted authors, including the winner, receives £2,500.

The judges will meet again on Tuesday October 22nd to choose the winner.