Whiskey Baths

The Daily Mail's New York correspondent, telegraphing on Tuesday, says - The announcement that Mr Rockefeller, the richest man…

The Daily Mail's New York correspondent, telegraphing on Tuesday, says - The announcement that Mr Rockefeller, the richest man in the world, is taking whiskey baths to increase his vitality has had the result of bringing to doctors all over the United States inquiries from patients of advanced age whether such baths would not be just the thing for them. In many cases the physicians have responded in the affirmative, and from present indications the treatment is likely to be exceedingly popular. Mr Rockefeller uses a quart of whiskey diluted with water daily. His valet applies this mixture with rubbing similar to that in a Turkish bath. The whiskey treatment occupies about half an hour, and then follows a period of rest, after which Mr Rockefeller eats a breakfast of ham and eggs, and another brief rest period follows.

The Irish Times, August 3rd, 1910.