Visitors get a taste for the celebrations

TOURISTS FLOCK to Ireland from all across the globe in the hope of Irish hospitality, music, and, of course, a good pint.

TOURISTS FLOCK to Ireland from all across the globe in the hope of Irish hospitality, music, and, of course, a good pint.

Despite the rainy weather, visitors began to pour into Temple Bar early yesterday afternoon.

Sato Haru and Natsu Yamamoto arrived yesterday all the way from Japan. This five-day stay will be the girls’ first time in Ireland. Although they will spend most of their time in Dublin, they have already gone sight-seeing in Kilkenny.

“I love Irish music and I hope to enjoy St Patrick’s Day,” Yamamoto said. They plan to see the parade, and later this week head over to the Guinness Storehouse and Dublin Castle. One of their favourite perks so far has been the beer. “It costs double in Japan!” Haru said.


Jim Schmidt came to Ireland with his wife specifically for the St Patrick’s Festival. The pair, who are from California but living in Germany for the last five years, will be here for three days, and will stay in Dublin. Even though they just arrived, they already plan to visit again soon.

“We will come back and see other parts of Ireland. We’re just a hop away,” Schmidt said.

Temple Bar was also packed with people celebrating special events.

Bridesmaids from Manchester chose Dublin for their bride’s 14-person hen party because of the friendly people, and because “the bride loves Irish accents”.

Cara Webb and Faye Daglish, also from the UK, have come to Dublin every year for the past eight years. They are here for three days this time, and they’re celebrating Faye’s mother’s 50th birthday, with one singular goal

in mind. “We’ve done all the touristy things. We’re gonna get drunk, we’re gonna get drunk some more, and we’re going to drink some more after that,” Webb said.

A group of American students from Gonzaga University, in Washington state, were here for a week for the St Patrick’s festivities, but wanted to travel the whole of Ireland.

“We’re taking a couple of day trips around, we’re going to the Cliffs of Moher and we’re going to Belfast later. Learn as much as you can, I guess,” said Kelsey Zaches.

The students took time off from studying in Florence, Italy, to check off some goals on their bucket lists. Getting a traditional Irish pub and food experience was high on their list, as were touring the countryside and seeing castles.

“I am 100 per cent set on getting stew this week,” Zaches said.