Victims have challenged whole of society, says CofI archbishop

VICTIMS OF clerical child sex abuse have been praised by the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin Most Rev John Neill for “…

VICTIMS OF clerical child sex abuse have been praised by the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin Most Rev John Neill for “having the courage to bring to light the dreadful experiences of their own childhood, the victims of abuse have challenged the whole of Irish society.”

They had “performed an invaluable service to those who might be at risk now or indeed into the future.”

Commenting on the Dublin diocesan report, he said it made for “horrific reading”. He continued “the very first and by far the most important response must be one of deep sorrow for and sympathy with the many people who have suffered deeply at the hands of those in whom they should have been able to place their trust.”

It was difficult for him “to comment on a report relating specifically to another Christian tradition,” he said but “nevertheless there is in every Christian and in every church the ability to sin against God and against our fellow women and men.


“Sadly the very structures of both church and of society which were there to protect the most vulnerable ended up merely protecting themselves.

“This does not excuse the betrayal of trust and the misuse of authority at every level.”

The tragedy was “that abuse and the secrecy surrounding it has ruined so many young lives. We are reminded of the words of Jesus: ‘If any of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for you if a great millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea’ (Mark 9:42).”

He said “it is only with constant vigilance, coupled with honesty and openness that the evil of abuse can be countered.”

It was “in this spirit that I share with Archbishop Diarmuid Martin his determination that the needs of victims are uppermost and that there is no room for denial or cover-up.

“It is my prayer that, through the grace and power of God, victims will find healing, and also that trust will be afforded to the countless good and faithful priests, whose ministry has been undermined by the perpetrators both of abuse and of cover-up.”

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times