Vandals spray obscene graffiti at Magnier farm

The Co Cork farm of businessman and major Manchester United shareholder Mr John Magnier has been sprayed with obscene graffiti…

The Co Cork farm of businessman and major Manchester United shareholder Mr John Magnier has been sprayed with obscene graffiti.

Gardaí in Fermoy are investigating the incident, which they are treating as criminal damage.  It is understood a slogan was spray-painted on the wall of Mr Magniers' stud farm earlier this week.

Mr Magnier co-owns investment company Cubic Expression with his friend Mr JP McManus, which holds just over a quarter of the shares in the football club .

He is embroiled in a legal battle with the club's manager, Sir Alex Ferguson, over the ownership of the champion thoroughbred Rock of Gibraltar.


Ferguson was yesterday given a one-year rolling contract, fuelling speculation that the club's board were under pressure to push him out. He had sought a four-year deal.

Senior members of the board have suggested the dispute between him and Mr Magnier is the major reason behind the stream of negative publicity that has affected the club in recent weeks.

Cork's most famous footballing son, Roy Keane, is regarded as a close friend of the manager..

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times