US Senate blocks Iraq pullout plan

US Senate Republicans have blocked a $50 billion Iraq war bill that included a troop pullout plan, killing the latest Democratic…

US Senate Republicans have blocked a $50 billion Iraq war bill that included a troop pullout plan, killing the latest Democratic attempt to end the war while keeping up the fight over its funding.

Despite passionate appeals by Democrats, who noted that 2007 had been the deadliest year for US troops in Iraq so far, Republicans stopped the proposal that had passed the House of Representatives on a largely partisan vote on Wednesday.

What will it take to end this war? How many lives, how many limbs, how many broken families, how many innocent victims?
Democrat Dick Durbin of Illinois

The measure needed 60 votes to pass under Senate rules; it only got 53 votes, with 45 senators voting against, all but two of them Republicans.

The bill would have given President George W. Bush about a quarter of the $196 billion he wants for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in fiscal 2008, while setting a goal that all US combat soldiers withdraw from Iraq by December 15th, 2008.


"What will it take to end this war? How many lives, how many limbs, how many broken families, how many innocent victims?"  Democrat Dick Durbin of Illinois, asked. Over 850 US soldiers have died this year.

Republicans responded that the Pentagon needed the money and this was the wrong time to meddle in Iraq military strategy just when levels of violence there were falling.

Democrats have tried repeatedly to limit the war this year, and Republicans promised to keep blocking their attempts. The narrowly divided Senate, where 60 of 100 votes are often required to advance legislation, has been the graveyard for most efforts.

Congress already has appropriated $604 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan since fighting began. The Bush administration wants lawmakers to approve the additional $196 billion as soon as possible, but without strings attached. The White House had warned Mr Bush would veto the Democrats' plan.