US Commerce Secretary wants to involve business sector in process

The business community must be involved in the process of peace for it to succeed, the US Secretary of Commerce said on his arrival…

The business community must be involved in the process of peace for it to succeed, the US Secretary of Commerce said on his arrival in Belfast yesterday.

Mr William Daley is leading a delegation of 17 business leaders to build links in the region. They will visit Belfast, Derry and Sligo.

"We are extremely optimistic that the resounding vote for peace will not only bring an end to the violence for good, but also bring the economic stability that will allow people to prosper," Mr Daley said. "This region has much to offer: an educated, skilled and motivated work force.

"This delegation is here to support the peace process by facilitating business relationships between the US and the private sectors of Northern Ireland and Ireland.


"Peace will help to establish a stable business environment. We are here to listen and talk about how we can build on the foundation established by the peace accord."

Welcoming the visit the Sinn Fein leader, Mr Adams, said he and his party colleagues had already met Mr Daley in Washington.

"Mr Daley comes from a strong Irish-American tradition and is very supportive of the efforts for peace," he said. "He understands the importance of consolidating the peace process by ensuring that an economic peace dividend, in terms of jobs and investment, impacts on the day-to-day lives of citizens."

Today Mr Daley will meet business and community leaders in Belfast and receive an official welcome from the Lord Mayor. Later he will meet Mr Adam Ingram, the Minister for Economic Development and Security.

Further meetings will be held tomorrow in Derry and on Wednesday in Sligo, where Mr Daley will address a final press conference. On Thursday he will meet the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern.