US air strike in Iraq leaves 47 dead - report

The US military said it had killed an al-Qaeda militant named Abu Islam and a number of other fighters in air strikes on Karabila…

The US military said it had killed an al-Qaeda militant named Abu Islam and a number of other fighters in air strikes on Karabila close to Qaim on the Syrian border today.

A hospital official in Qaim said at least 47 people died in the US-led strikes. Mohammed al-Aani said 35 people died in one house and another 12 in a strike on a second house.

Al Jazeerasaid the US forces had struck Qaim at 10pm last night.

"Two 500 pound precision-guided munitions were expended on each terrorist safe house," a military spokeswoman said, adding that the military had "confirmatory information" that Abu Islam was dead.


She said she had no precise information on casualties.

Abu Islam is an alias used by several known Islamist militants.

Qaim lies in the Euphrates valley, which US forces say serves as a route into Iraq from Syria for foreign Islamist fighters.

US marines have carried out several ground offensives against insurgents in the area in the past four months. But residents and local officials say Islamist insurgents remain a significant force in several towns along the river.