Up to 400,000 PAYE workers due tax rebate

More than 400,000 PAYE employees are set to receive rebates this year after paying more than €330 million too much in tax to …

More than 400,000 PAYE employees are set to receive rebates this year after paying more than €330 million too much in tax to the Revenue Commissioners in 2004.

In figures supplied to Fine Gael, it emerged the Revenue Commissioners have paid out more than €145 million in tax refunds between January and April this year, a figure that is expected to more than double this year.

During that timeframe almost 250,000 balancing statements have been sought by PAYE workers with an average of €742 being reimbursed.

Much of the overcharging arose from include PAYE workers not claiming the full reliefs for health and dental expenses, according to a report in today's Irish Independentnewspaper.


Other areas where the full extent of tax relief are not being taken advantage are bin charges, private rent costs, some third-level college fees and trade union memberships.