United: No illegal approach for Vieira

Manchester United have rejected Arsenal's accusations that they made an illegal approach for Patrick Vieira.

Manchester United have rejected Arsenal's accusations that they made an illegal approach for Patrick Vieira.

United chief executive Peter Kenyon has confirmed he did ring Arsenal vice-chairman David Dein to ask about Vieira's availability - but denied anywrongdoing.

Kenyon insists the Reds did not approach the French international midfielder without Arsenal's permission.

"I did speak to Arsenal in our interest and that was as far as it went," he said in the Manchester Evening News.


"We made it quite clear we were interested if the player were available. I approached the club and that was the correct procedure."

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger claims United approached Vieira without their permission which, if proven, would have been against PremierLeague rules.

The Gunners said today they do not intend to pursue the matter, but Wenger's accusation will do little to help the strained relations between thetwo rival clubs.

United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has often clashed with Wenger and Arsenal are unhappy at what they feel was a deliberate attempt by thechampions to unsettle Vieira, who they insist is not leaving Highbury.