Union official loses action

A leading trade union official lost a legal action against his own union in the High Court in Belfast yesterday.

A leading trade union official lost a legal action against his own union in the High Court in Belfast yesterday.

Mr Joe Bowers, a regional officer in the Manufacturing, Science and Finance Union, failed in his attempt to get an injunction compelling his employers to restore him to the duties he formerly carried out. For many years Mr Bowers was prominently identified with union activities at the shipyard and aircraft factory.

Mr Justice Girvan said if the injunction was granted it would have a direct impact on the workloads of other members of staff and on members of the union.

The judge added: "I do not consider that the plaintiff has made out a sufficient case of bad faith or breach of contract to warrant making an order which would require the union to undo what was done by the decision."


He said Mr Bowers continued to be paid his full salary and was doing the job he contracted to do - providing a service to union members who had equal expectations as members to have regional officer cover.