Ukraine president nominates PM

Ukraine's president today nominated his Orange Revolution ally Yulia Tymoshenko to be prime minister.

Ukraine's president today nominated his Orange Revolution ally Yulia Tymoshenko to be prime minister.

The nomination follows a deal struck last week by President Viktor Yushchenko's and Ms Tymoshenko's parties to forge a fragile majority coalition, raising hopes for an end to months of political turmoil.

A parliament vote is expected later Thursday.

Ms Tymoshenko is one of the most polarising figures in Ukraine. She was the most energetic and visible figure of the 2004 Orange Revolution protests that helped propel Mr Yushchenko to the presidency but is despised by backers of Viktor Yanukovych, the outgoing, Moscow-oriented prime minister.


Mr Yushchenko named Ms Tymoshenko prime minister in early 2005 but sacked her just seven months later amid a split in the Orange camp.

Mr Yanukovych became prime minister last year after his Party of Regions won the largest share of votes in a parliamentary election. But earlier this year, Mr Yushchenko accused Mr Yanukovych of attempting an illegal power grab and ordered new elections, which were held in September.

Mr Yanukovych's party again got the largest number of votes in September, but not enough to overcome the combined seats won by Ms Yushchenko's and Ms Tymoshenko's parties.

Mr Yushchenko has publicly thrown his support behind Ms Tymoshenko as premier but may be reluctant to see her gain too much power as she is a potential rival for the presidency in 2009.