Tyrone duo call time on county careers

GAA: Tyrone footballers Philip Jordan and Brian McGuigan have decided to call time on their inter-county careers

GAA:Tyrone footballers Philip Jordan and Brian McGuigan have decided to call time on their inter-county careers. The pair won three All Ireland senior football winners' medals each in 2003, 2005 and 2008.

Speaking about the retirement of two exceptional players, Tyrone manager Mickey Harte said “I have found both players to be great gentlemen as well as magnificent sportsmen. The Tyrone team will miss their energy and class on the field. They have contributed so much to Tyrone’s most successful decade ever.”

Tyrone county board PRO Damian Harvey admitted: “Both Brian and Philip have been hugely successful on Tyrone teams at every level. They were exceptional players and they had the ability to change a game in an instant with their vision and pace. We are fortunate that they are such excellent ambassadors for Tyrone GAA.”

“Brian in particular has gone through some very tough days to get back into a Tyrone jersey and it was fitting that his last game was in Croke Park. They will both be very difficult men to replace but we must look forward now and find the players to do just that.”