Two on remand over Longford burglary

TWO DUBLIN drug addicts charged in connection with an aggravated burglary at the home of an elderly couple in Longford were remanded…

TWO DUBLIN drug addicts charged in connection with an aggravated burglary at the home of an elderly couple in Longford were remanded in custody for a week.

Christian Wren (31), Ballyfermot Drive, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10, and Anthony Flannery (24), of no fixed abode, appeared at a sitting of Mullingar District Court yesterday.

The men were each charged with two counts of assault, as well as with burglary, while in possession of a stun gun at Fishertown, Clondra, Co Longford, on December 10th last.

Judge John Neilan was told Flannery, an unemployed electrician, had the opportunity to stay at a friend’s house if granted bail.


However, Garda Conor Egan expressed concern about the defendant’s address and recommended he be remanded in custody.

There is a possibility of the defendants reoffending as “this burglary had been committed to pay off a drug debt”, Garda Egan told the judge.

Garda Úna Brady gave evidence of the arrest and charge of Mr Wren. She said the man had made no reply when charged with the offences.

Opposing Mr Wren’s bail, Garda Egan said the defendant “admits having possession of the taser gun that was used” and was identified as being at the scene.

Solicitor Alan Mitchell said his client had a pregnant fiancee who had attended hospital three times during the course of her pregnancy.

He requested bail to allow the man assist his fiancee should the need arise.

The defendant is also taking medication for psychosis and is receiving the maximum permissible methadone dose, he said.

Taking to the stand, Mr Wren said he was receiving treatment for addiction to heroin, crack and cocaine. He is taking part in a community work scheme in Dublin, he added.

Judge Neilan declined the bail requests and remanded both men to Cloverhill Prison to appear before a sitting of Cloverhill District Court on December 17th.

He directed that Mr Flannery be medically assessed and appropriately treated for his addictions.

He also directed that Mr Wren be medically and psychologically assessed in consultation with the medical practitioner who diagnosed his psychosis.