Tusk strikes coalition deal

Poland's centre-right Civic Platform party, which won last month's parliamentary election, voted unanimously today to form a …

Poland's centre-right Civic Platform party, which won last month's parliamentary election, voted unanimously today to form a coalition government with the smaller Polish Peasant Party (PSL).

The move paves the way for Donald Tusk, head of the Civic Platform (PO) and prime minister designate, to present the line-up of his cabinet next Friday.

Peasant Party leader Waldemar Pawlak will become deputy prime minister and economy minister.

Mr Tusk said he and Mr Pawlak had agreed on most posts in the cabinet.


"We are entering into a coalition with a partner who differs from us but the Civic Platform is a guarantor that differences need not trigger conflicts," Mr Tusk said.

"We want to work together for the good of the homeland in the belief that we shall rebuild a sense of normality and decency."

Later, the Polish Peasant Party also unanimously voted to approve the coalition with the Civic Platform.

Mr Tusk will replace Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski, whose twin brother is Poland's president.

He pledges to accelerate economic reforms needed to bring Poland into the eurozone and improve relations with key international partners, which had been strained under the Kaczynskis.