Tom's bomb:the story behind the charge

Fine Gael last night laughed off a claim by Progressive Democrat junior Minister, Tom Parlon, that it was planning a "major explosion…

Fine Gael last night laughed off a claim by Progressive Democrat junior Minister, Tom Parlon, that it was planning a "major explosion" on day 21 of the election campaign.

"This is absurd," said a Fine Gael spokesman. "What happened was that Enda Kenny bumped into the PD spokesman in government, Mark Costigan, going into Leinster House last Tuesday."Enda remarked to Mark, a former journalist, that it must be a bit strange working on the other side in this election.

He went on to say that it was only 21 days to D-Day when all would be revealed.

"He was clearly referring to the election day itself. The PDs must be really desperate if they think the leader of Fine Gael was telling a PD press officer about some Fine Gael covert operation."


The issue arose when Mr Parlon, speaking on RTÉ television, said he had been told "by one of the most senior deputies in Fine Gael" of a "major explosion" that was going to happen on day 21 of the campaign. He refused to divulge the name of the deputy, but insisted: "I know it to be a fact".

Later at a Fianna Fail press conference, Ministers referred to the Parlon claim and said it was something about which Fine Gael would have to answer.

Speaking last night, Mr Costigan confirmed that the conversation had taken place. However, he said he did not take the reference to Day 21 as meaning the election, as polling day was more than 21 days away. "I made a mental note of it and thought it odd."

Mr Costigan said the Tánaiste subsequently received a call with a reference to "Day 21", a day when further information about Mr Ahern would become available. It was the combination of these two events that led them to believe there was something afoot.

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins is a columnist with and former political editor of The Irish Times