Three dead and 50 hurt in New York blast

Three people have been killed and more than 50 injured after explosions shattered a New York hardware store.

Three people have been killed and more than 50 injured after explosions shattered a New York hardware store.

The blasts were sparked by a fire and toppled the Long Island General Supply Company's roof and brick facade.

Dozens of firefighters were buried beneath the rubble as propane tanks and paint stored in the basement exploded.

The fire was reported about 7.20 p.m. (Irish time) yesterday and was still burning hours later.


About 20 minutes after firefighters arrived, the building exploded and crumpled onto firefighters, burying many and tossing others across the street.

Firefighters, police officers and other rescue personnel were among the injured. Two civilians suffered minor injuries. One firefighter described the scene as a "war zone."

"What was a quiet Sunday turned into a terrible tragedy very quickly," said fire Commissioner Thomas Von Essen. More than 350 firefighters and 70 rescue units were called to the scene.

Two victims, Mr Harry Ford, 50, and Mr John Downing, 40, were buried beneath the rubble. The third firefighter, Brian Fahey, 46, died after falling into the basement as the building collapsed.