Threats to Bush claim

Officers from the FBI in California are to travel to Galway next month for the trial of a Salthill man, who, it will be alleged…

Officers from the FBI in California are to travel to Galway next month for the trial of a Salthill man, who, it will be alleged, made threats to President Bush's life.

Declan O'Shea (37), Emerson Avenue, Salthill, Galway, is charged with persistently using a phone to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another, between January 16th, 2003 and January 10th, 2004. He is also charged with sending menacing messages by phone on February 6th and 7th, 2004.

Conor Fahy BL, prosecuting, told Galway Circuit Criminal Court yesterday that FBI witnesses from California would be travelling to Galway next month in relation to the case. Judge Yvonne Murphy remanded Mr O'Shea on bail to November 14th.