This Week They Said

Now is not the time to consider the issue of forgiveness

Now is not the time to consider the issue of forgiveness.- Alan Ashton, Soham's Methodist minister, says there will have to be repentance before the village can forgive Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr.

The picture of George Redmond being taken from this court in handcuffs following his conviction will be forever the iconic imagery of corruption in Ireland.

- Brendan Grehan SC, pleads for clemency for former Dublin city and county assistant manager George Redmond, who has been found guilty of corruption.

If the UUP does not change leader and policy, then the DUP will do to the UUP what Sinn Féin is doing to the SDLP.


- Anti-agreement Jeffrey Donaldson, departs the Ulster Unionist Party to ally himself with the hardline DUP.

My only motivation in making representation on this matter was from a compassionate perspective.

- The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, denies he sought to intervene improperly in a Roscommon planning dispute.

It is as it was.

- The Pope on Mel Gibson's controversial film of the Passion, after a private screening in the Vatican.

I would like to pour boiling oil on Saddam's head and cut his flesh into pieces.

- Nesrin Hassan Mohammed, whose three-year-old daughter died during Saddam's persecution of the Kurds.

This is a disgusting tyrant who deserves justice, the ultimate justice.

- President Bush says the fate of Saddam is for the Iraqi people to decide.

That's a difficult choice.

- Jorg Haider, the controversial Austrian politician, who has met Saddam Hussein, is asked whether he prefers the dictator to George Bush.


Tony Blair on the size of the alleged clandestine laboratory network in Iraq.

Do you suppose that the Bush administration has Osama bin Laden hidden away somewhere and will bring him out before the election?

Madeline Albright, former US Secretary of State.

A lion remains a lion even in captivity. Do you think they would have been able to capture him if they had not drugged him?

Saddam Hussein's daughter Raghad on her father's submissive behaviour when apprehended by US forces.

At least 33,000 people with AIDS in poor countries could be treated with the money GSK is lavishing on Garnier.

- Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, is appalled that pharmaceutical giant Glaxosmithkline is to pay its chief executive Jean-Pierre Garnier €10 million annually.

I'd rather not have anyone than settle for the wrong person.

- Actress Nicole Kidman.

He gets the dumb crook of the year award.

- Scott Key, a district attorney in Tularosa, New Mexico, where a bank robber appealed against his convictions by arguing that money is not property.

If there is no progress towards peace in a matter of months, then Israel will initiate the unilateral security step to disengage from the Palestinians.

Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon hands the Palestinians an ultimatum.