This Week They Said

A look back at the week's news in quotes.

A look back at the week's news in quotes.

There are bastards who spread things around, of course, who planted nasty things in the media.

- the UN chief weapons inspector, Hans Blix, who believes the Pentagon waged a smear campaign against him.

By God, we will not leave one Jew in Palestine.


- Abdel Aziz Rantisi, leader of the radical Palestinian group Hamas.

We are coming back to the great European family.

- Aleksander Kwasniewski, President of Poland, after 75.3 per cent voted in favour of EU entry.

I wouldn't expect him to accept it. I shall tell him not to go there.

- David Beckham won't be joining Barcelona, says father Ted.

Politicians want everyone to slavishly do the same thing. That is not the definition of a competitive market. That is price regulation.

- Donal Forde, head of retail banking at AIB, as financial institutions move en mass to cut interest rates following Government pressure.

Americans are presented as lumpen proletariat, firearm fanatics, with addictions to violent films and unhealthy food.

- press baron Conrad Black criticises the European media's portrayal of the United States.

The intelligence community in the United States and around the world currently assess that Iran does not have nuclear weapons.

- US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

The French must open their eyes and look around at what is happening.

- Francois Fillon, the French Social Affairs Minister, defends the pension reform plan which this week prompted crippling strikes across the country.

In my country I might be in jail now.

- Spencer Tunick, the US photographer who arranged 7,000 naked bottoms in Barcelona to take the record for the most-populated nude photo shoot.

Almost three decades after the atrocity, it is unacceptable that families still do not know who took the lives of their loved ones, or if the bombings involved British intelligence or security services.

- Pat Carey, Dublin Fianna Fáil TD, as it is announced that the inquest into the 1974 Dublin bombings is to reopen.

The private healthcare industry in Ireland exploits and undermines the public health sector.

- Dr Gerard Bury, professor of general practice, UCD.

The idea somehow that you have got to choose between Europe and America is quite ridiculous . . . The idea that Europe will never reform is ridiculous. The idea that we sell out our national economic interest every time we go to Brussels is ridiculous.

- British Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown.

I have just been busy.

- Green TD Ciaran Cuffe admits an error of judgement as it emerges he holds shares in oil companies.

The Troubles in Northern Ireland have been of your own making. There have been enough English soldiers killed in Northern Ireland to fill a doomsday book.

- Neville Sanders, Conservative leader on Peterborough City Council.