This Week They Said

A selection of this week's quotes from around the world.

A selection of this week's quotes from around the world.

- The payment received by Mr Burke amounted to a corrupt payment.

Mr Justice Feargus Flood in his interim report on payments to politicians.

- Corruption and the act of hindering or obstructing a tribunal are criminal offences in effect of which the law will be enforced.


The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern.

- They reveal a sordid and disgusting aspect of public life during the 1980s and 1990s.

Labour leader Ruairí Quinn on Mr Justice Flood's findings.

- Our purpose is disarmament. No one wants military conflict.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair defends his hard-line stance on Iraq in a House of Commons debate.

- It is always assumed that I should have no desire to work because someone else in my family made money.

Actress Victoria Smurfit.

- It is quite likely that the budgetary position is going to be even more difficult.

Embattled Minister for Finance Charlie McCreevy, after the inadvertent release of a Cabinet memo proposing sweeping cutbacks in government spending.

- It is highly embarrassing. We are getting between 10 and 15 telephone calls a day from the public and we have to tell them it is still out of stock.

An employee of the Government Publications Office as it emerges that the Constitution has been out of print since April.

- One of the forces for evil in the world.

Oxford Professor Richard Dawkins on the Catholic church.

- They were very nice to lend me the money. I thought they'd think I was too old for it.

Australian widow Margaret Cole who was granted a 30 year mortgage - at the age of 92.

- Johnny will not take this lying down.

A UDA source after the organisation expelled the loyalist leader.

- I invested all my power in achieving peace.

Former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic denies he is a war criminal.

- We're taking a mechanism from a system we don't have and trying to graft it on to the one we do.

Dr Peter Bacon's assessment of Tánaiste Mary Harney's proposed reform of the insurance sector.

- A bit of a hellhole really.

Mark Leech, editor of The Prison's Handbook, on Lincoln prison, where Jeffrey Archer has been transferred after he broke the rules at his low-security prison by attending a party.

- I've made too many enemies.

Former Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Mandelson