This Week They Said

It was the worst day of my life and, maybe, it was the greatest day

It was the worst day of my life and, maybe, it was the greatest day.- Rudolph Giuliani, former Mayor of New York, on the first anniversary of the September 11th attacks.

Hucksterism has a long history in America. It's the flip side of our go-go, can-do culture.

- The Wall Street Journal on crass attempts to cash in on the anniversary.

A threat to world peace.


- Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa, on US foreign policy.

There is no substitute for the legitimacy provided by the UN.

- United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

Will the United Nations serve the purpose of its founding or will it be irrelevant?

- President Bush calling on the UN to sanction military action against Iraq.

It is a collection of lies which aim at blackmailing public opinion in order to commit new American aggression against Iraq.

- Saad Qasim Hammoudi, a former Iraqi minister, on US claims that Baghdad posses a threat to the west.

It has been the Tánaiste's day. On this occasion, she has won.

- A Government source on the Cabinet decision to abort plans to fund the "Bertie Bowl".

Whistling past the graveyard.

- Labour TD Pat Rabbitte on the proposal that private investors should finance the project.

Top of the Pops is successful in spite of the Top 40 rather than because of it. There's great music around and people are listening to it, but the charts are often full of crap.

- Top of the Pops director Chris Crowley as the show celebrated its 1,000th edition.

I feel good that he was found guilty and that justice was done, but I would have preferred him to get a jail sentence.

- The mother of a Dundalk schoolboy who was racially abused by a bus-driver. The driver received a fine.

Elections are a little like policemen: everybody behaves when they're around.

- President Jacques Chirac of France.

Plainclothes policemen burst into my shop, they told me that I was breaking the law and started taping up the computers and sealing off the crime scene.

- A comment on Greek police enforcing a ban on computer games.

Slow, lightly armoured and vulnerable to attack.

- Greenpeace's assessment of ships carrying nuclear waste which will pass through the Irish Sea en route from Japan to the Sellafield reprocessing plant.