The value of gas

The remarkably luminous power of the two lamps lately erected in front of the Alliance Gas Office in Grafton street affords the…

The remarkably luminous power of the two lamps lately erected in front of the Alliance Gas Office in Grafton street affords the strongest proof which could be offered of the value of gas as a lighting agent when properly utilised, and gives practical affirmation to our statement made on the subject some months ago, when the craze for electric light had driven many owners of valuable gas property into a fright. The light of the two lamps we have spoken of is nearly as powerful as that which we were able to obtain from the electric machines; it is certainly much pleasanter, far more useful, and is obtained, we should say, at about a hundredth part of the cost. The chief credit of this new attainment is due to the enterprise and scientific investigation of Mr Wigham, of the firm of Edmundson and Co., Dublin.

The Irish Times, March 22nd, 1879.