The judges

Tony O Dalaigh has been director of the Dublin Theatre Festival since 1990

Tony O Dalaigh has been director of the Dublin Theatre Festival since 1990. He was the first chief executive of the Irish Theatre Company, which was established in 1974 to tour the provinces. He was director of the National Centre for the Arts at the Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin, from 1986 to 1990. A member of the board of the Gate Theatre, he is a shareholder of the National Theatre Society (Abbey Theatre).

Anne Enright is currently Writer Fellow at Trinity College, Dublin. The author of The Portable Virgin and The Wig My Father Wore, her fiction has been widely anthologised. She won the Rooney Prize for Irish Literature in 1991. Her screenplay Revenge was broadcast on RTE, for which she worked as a producer/director, principally on the programme Nighthawks.

Micheal O Siadhail is the author of a number of collections of poetry including Hail! Madam Jazz: New and Selected Poems, A Fragile City and Our Double Time. He has read and broadcast widely here and in Europe and the US. He won the Irish American Cultural Institute prize for poetry. A member of the Arts Council from 1988-93, he is a member of Aosdana.