Thai plane crash survivors return home

Three Irish women who survived a plane crash in Thailand last week have arrived back in Dublin.

Three Irish women who survived a plane crash in Thailand last week have arrived back in Dublin.

The incident occurred after the plane slid off the runway into a disused control tower on the popular tourist island of Koh Samui, some 700km south of Bangkok.

The plane's pilot was killed and seven other passengers were injured in the crash.

The ATR-72 craft was carrying four crew and 68 passengers, including the Irish women: Aoife Creamer (25), from Rush in Co Dublin, her sister, Orlagh (20), and Lesley Dowdall (23), from Swords in Dublin.

The three teachers touched down on home soil today for an emotional reunion with family and friends.


Sisters Aoife and Orlagh Creamer, and friend Lesley Dowdall, cut short their dream holiday in south-east Asia after their jet smashed into a disused control tower in the holiday resort of Koh Samui.

Orlagh (20), a DCU student teacher from Swords, said while she was scared flying home she never feared for her safety.

“We figured we couldn’t be that unlucky again, we have been in one plane crash already,” said Ms Creamer, who also works in Sky Music in the airport.

“But it was scary.Your heart is in your mouth as soon as you touch down. We’re delighted to be back, but you won’t catch me on a flight for a while,” she said.

The group climbed through mangled wreckage to get out of the plane, which had skidded on a rain-soaked runway on August 4. They escaped with only cuts and bruises.

The girls have since travelled on four different flights to make the long journey home, where they had an emotional meeting with family and friends in a private VIP suite.

Aoife (25) from Rush, Co Dublin, said it was a huge relief to be home.

“I couldn’t wait to come home,” said Aoife.

“I’ve never been so glad to be back in Ireland. Dublin Airport was the most amazing sight ever. We’re so relieved.”

“I’ll be back in school in Wednesday when the Leaving Cert results come out,” added Lesley Dowdall who teaches in St Finian’s Community College, Swords.

Inside the airport the sisters’ mother Aileen, Aoife’s partner Stephen Hegarty, Orlagh’s boyfriend Anthony Fuller, and Lesley’s parents Terry and Miriam and boyfriend Anthony Power were among the large group who welcomed them home.

Aoife’s best friend Sharon Scully got the day off work from Hibernian Aviva insurance to be at the airport.

“I couldn’t believe it when it happened, I just kept hoping that she’d be okay,” said Sharon (24), from Skerries, Co Dublin.

“I had to be here to see her. I’m just really looking forward to knowing she’s home okay.”

Additional reporting: PA