
"This has never been about punishing any individual

"This has never been about punishing any individual. This has been about protecting American consumers and the viability of the software industry." - Assistant US Attorney General Joel Klein officially requesting a federal judge to divide Microsoft into two companies to prevent further abuse of its monopoly in computer operating systems.

"Consumers should understand that these remedies would not allow us to deliver software products as we have in the past. These regulations do not help the software industry in any way. They simply retard the speed at which it can move ahead." - Bill Gates in response.

"This is a happy day." - Royce Bybee, vice president of sales and marketing at Linux driven Caldera Systems.

"Breaking up Microsoft only makes them more competitive. It's too late for this. Allowing Microsoft to start porting its applications to Linux, Unix, et al, only makes matters worse." - Software industry veteran Chris Stone, a former executive with Microsoft competitor Novell.