Text Bites

"We have now reached full employment in the Irish software industry

"We have now reached full employment in the Irish software industry. The key to controlling wages, while attracting and retaining the best people, lies in a reduction in taxation on share option schemes to 20 per cent. Otherwise the industry will wither from wage inflation, jobs will move overseas and the economy will lose out to competitors in the EU, Israel, India and elsewhere."

- Gerry Jones, Chairman, Irish Software Association, at the 11th National Software Conference.

"Amazon.com believes it is very important that one day we will be profitable. We don't subscribe to any kind of new math."

- Chairman and CEO of Amazon.com Jeff Bezos assuring shareholders that the online retailer is not in the business to lose money.


"This survey shows that Web era consumers are every bit as vulnerable as those who were around before the Internet changed the way that more and more of us do things. While the Web can empower consumers with information, it also leaves the unwary exposed to new variations on old fraud and abuse schemes."

- Linda Golodner, president of the US National Consumers' League announcing the results of a survey which showed that 6 million Americans have been victims of Internet fraud.