
"You don't want personal technology; you want personal relationships

"You don't want personal technology; you want personal relationships. In the next age, how do we make technology help us be calmer, how do you change that equation? The basic way is you have to make it more invisible. You have to get it out of the way, out of your face, and into the environment and into your pockets, into your clothing." - Mark Weiser, chief technologist at Xerox's renowned Palo Alto Research Center, who died last week.

"There's a massive change being driven by consumers, a revolt against complexity and unreliability. Embedded processors will enable this revolution, but they aren't sufficient to ensure it. They promise the revolution, but it will happen only if you adopt a human-centered design philosophy."

- Don Norman, author of The Invisible Computer and The Psychology of Everyday Things last week arguing that engineers were the wrong people to define and design next-generation consumer-electronics equipment.