Tehran show for de Burgh after Iran eases ban on western music

Chris de Burgh will perform in Tehran next summer in what will be the first concert by a Western artist in Iran since the 1979…

Chris de Burgh will perform in Tehran next summer in what will be the first concert by a Western artist in Iran since the 1979 revolution.

The Irish singer will stage a concert with Iranian band Arian, the first pop group in the Islamic republic to receive an official permit to perform, the band's manager Mohsen Rajabpour said yesterday.

The proposed concert will take place at a 12,000-seat stadium complex in the Iranian capital in June or July, he added.

Western pop songs are banned in Iran although state radio sometimes broadcasts instrumental versions of popular songs. Pirate copies of Western albums are sold on the black market. While the authorities' stance on pop music has softened in the last decade, Iranian bands must adhere to strict guidelines on lyrical content to obtain a permit enabling them to perform for domestic audiences. Despite this, there is a flourishing underground scene of local bands that perform at private parties without official approval.


De Burgh is one of the most popular Western singers in Iran and his website has several entries from Iranian fans.

A message on Arian's website describes de Burgh as "a well-known face and one of the most loved and popular foreign artists in Iran".

Rajabpour said Arian and de Burgh had recorded a song together called A Melody for Peacewhich he said was intended "to reflect the peace-seeking spirit of the Iranian people to the world".

He said the concerts had been approved by the Iranian authorities.

"The head of the music centre of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance has officially announced that there is no problem with holding a joint performance."

Rajabpour added that plans were also being considered for de Burgh and Arian to embark on an international tour together.

De Burgh's official website does not mention the forthcoming concert in Tehran but it does note that he recently completed recording a song with Arian entitled The Words 'I Love You'.

"This is an exciting project as it is the first collaboration between Western and Iranian artists," the website says.