TEED, Little Big Tent

Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, Little Big Tent:

Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, Little Big Tent: 

5:45pm, the Sunday afternoon wander and relaxing dispensed with and it's TEED time.

Dressed as a futuristic dinosaur, and joined a few tracks in by a brace of feather-hatted dancers, Orlando Higginbottom went straight in, elevating the crowd to a brilliantly energetic level. The 26-year-old's debut album is only a few months old, but this boy has the goods. His tight brand of sophisticated and optimistic house music has one foot in a prodigious future and another rooted in the past.

The day trippers, Mexican wrestling mask-donning punters, all-weekend party heads, musos, hand-raising heads on the roll over, and one bloke dressed as a teddy bear erupted.

You could trawl the site for all the wheatgrass shots and green teas you could find, and all of them combined could not rival the vitality of this set despite a few technical difficulties. If only he was on a smidge later.

Verdict: ****

Una Mullally

Una Mullally

Una Mullally, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes a weekly opinion column