TDs to examine Fás accounts

Fás officials will appear before the Public Accounts Committee (Pac) tomorrow for an examination of the body’s 2010 accounts …

Fás officials will appear before the Public Accounts Committee (Pac) tomorrow for an examination of the body’s 2010 accounts and a review of its training.

The State training agency, which has an annual spend of almost €1 billion, was split between the Department of Social Protection and the Department of Education and Skills earlier this year.

Pac chairman John Mc Guinness said the quality of training must be benchmarked and the type of training must be based on the needs of the industries that will provide the jobs that will enable Ireland to climb out of recession.

“Now, more than ever, we need a national training organisation that provides not only value for money for the taxpayer but also makes a real difference to the individual who has lost his or her job," the Fianna Fáil TD said.


Fás director general Paul O’Toole, chairman Michael Dempsey and other senior officials will be called as witnesses at the meeting tomorrow morning.