Taxpayer to meet costs of Curtin hearing

The costs incurred by Judge Brian Curtin during an Oireachtas committee investigation into his suitability for office will be…

The costs incurred by Judge Brian Curtin during an Oireachtas committee investigation into his suitability for office will be met by the taxpayer.

The committee decided last night that Judge Curtin was constitutionally entitled to costs during the hearing following a private session last night.

The committee has decided on a computer expert from a British firm to examine the judge's personal computer, which is alleged to have child pornography images.

In April 2004 Judge Curtin pleaded not guilty to possession of child pornography in the Circuit Court and was acquitted when the warrant used for the seizure of his computer seized was found to be out of date.


The committee is legally bound to conclude the investigation before the next general election.