Taxi service study planned

A new forum is to be established to examine the operation and regulation of the taxi service in Dublin

A new forum is to be established to examine the operation and regulation of the taxi service in Dublin. The initiative was proposed by the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, at a meeting with representatives of the Irish Taxi Drivers Federation and the National Taxi Drivers Union yesterday.

A Government spokesman said that the meeting had been arranged before last week's protest by taxi drivers, who caused traffic chaos by driving in convoy through Dublin.

The Taoiseach suggested that all of the disputed issues should be "put on hold" until the forum reports in six months. The only exceptions, he said, were the increases in fares and fees for licence renewal, which would proceed. These were recommended in a consultants' report to local authorities.

The forum, to be chaired by the head of the Dublin Transportation Office, Mr John Mahony, will comprise representatives of the taxi organisation, the four Dublin local authorities, the Departments of the Taoiseach, Environment and Public Enterprise, and the gardai.


Government sources indicated that the forum was being established solely on the basis that the taximen would agree to accept its conclusions.

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy was editor of The Irish Times from 2002 to 2011