Swissco staff receive assurances on wages

Swissco workers in Co Cork said today they have received assurances they will be paid any outstanding wages in the wake of the…

Swissco workers in Co Cork said today they have received assurances they will be paid any outstanding wages in the wake of the company's closure.

More than 150 workers at the ready-meal supplier in Little Island staged a sit-in yesterday in protest at what the staff claimed was a lack of information on finances.

The 12-hour protest ended just before 9pm, after Siptu sectoral organiser Alan O’Leary secured commitments on wages and other entitlements from the liquidator.

In a statement today, Mr O’Leary said: “Throughout the day we held discussions with the High Court appointed liquidator on the payments due to our members”.


“Progress was made through these direct discussions and we secured agreement that our members would receive payment of wages owed to them.”

Mr O’Leary said the workers planned to continue discussions with the liquidator today on the remaining statutory entitlements.

The 154 employees at Swissco were told on Monday that they were to be made redundant after a liquidator was appointed to the firm following a period of examinership.

A Swissco spokesman said yesterday the company had been unprofitable for some time.

Mr O’Leary said the union was planning to meet with Government officials over the coming days to discuss re-employment options for the staff

“We are concerned about the lack of consultation and information provided by management during the past few weeks and we plan to raise this and the provision of a proper redundancy package with the Minister for Labour Mr Billy Kelleher.”

Mr O’Leary said: “The decision to close this company through a liquidation was a devastating blow to the 150 strong workforce, many of whom now face the prospect of a very uncomfortable Christmas and an uncertain employment future in 2009.

“The workers feel abandoned, left high and dry by an unsympathetic employer, and Siptu will be campaigning vigorously to obtain a fair deal for these workers”.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times