Suicide of man who could not pay rent

NEWS: A MAN who could not afford his rent was found dead at home on the day he was supposed to vacate the premises, an inquest…

NEWS:A MAN who could not afford his rent was found dead at home on the day he was supposed to vacate the premises, an inquest heard.

The 55-year-old Lithuanian man from Dublin 15 was found hanging from the stair railings on the morning of April 1st, Dublin County Coroner's Court heard yesterday.

The man lived at the house with his Lithuanian partner until her death from cancer in June 2007. In a statement read to court, the woman's son said the man was unemployed and "was having money problems and was not able to pay the rent and was having to move out".

A second inquest yesterday heard that a 43-year-old woman took her own life two years after her son died by suicide.


The woman, from Finglas West, was found hanging from railings at Kildonan Park, Finglas, early on May 4th, 2008.

She had been out socialising with her sister that night who dropped her home in a taxi. The woman told the court that her sister had been "the usual, very depressed" that night.

Another sister said she was "always depressed" following the death of her son two years earlier.

She had made a previous suicide attempt. The coroner expressed his condolences to both families and recorded verdicts of death by suicide in both cases.