State argues for extradition of doctor to US on sex abuse charges

AN IRISH doctor alleged to have fled from Florida in 2001 before his trial was due to begin on child sex offences should be extradited…

AN IRISH doctor alleged to have fled from Florida in 2001 before his trial was due to begin on child sex offences should be extradited to the US, the State has argued before the High Court.

Dr David West, formerly Dr Rory Doyle (54), with addresses at Donnybrook Manor, Belmont Avenue, Donnybrook, Dublin, and Sallins Bridge, Sallins, Co Kildare, is opposing a bid to extradite him on three charges of child molestation and a fourth of failing to turn up for his trial on those charges in Florida in November 2001.

His lawyers argue his constitutional rights will be breached if he is returned because of the prison conditions in Florida, where, it is claimed, he could be blackmailed, raped and subject to other attacks if convicted of sex offences.

They also say there is no correspondence or proportionality between such offences in this jurisdiction and in Florida where sentences of between 13 and 65 years apply.


The State has rejected those claims and also denies prison conditions in Florida would breach his rights. Dr West, who denies the accusations, is wanted on charges including molesting a 13-year-old girl and an eight-year-old girl while the children were asleep in bed.

The offences are alleged to have occurred at Treasure Island, Florida, on dates between September 1994 and February 1995 and at St Petersburg, Florida, in July 2000.

The accused, who changed his birth name of Rory Doyle by deed poll in 2004 to David West, also allegedly failed to show up for his trial on those charges, the US authorities say.

Opening the State’s case yesterday, Anthony Collins SC, said the US molestation charges correspond with sexual assault charges here under the Criminal Law (Rape) Amendment Act 1990, while failure to appear for one’s trial corresponds with an offence under Section 13 of the Criminal Justice Act 1984.

The hearing before Mr Justice Michael Peart continues.

Dr West was also remanded on continuing independent bail.