Somali rebels warn of 'long, gruesome' war

Somali militants linked to al-Qaeda warned Kenya yesterday it faced a “long, gruesome” war, five days before Kenyans vote for…

Somali militants linked to al-Qaeda warned Kenya yesterday it faced a “long, gruesome” war, five days before Kenyans vote for a new president and legislature.

The al-Shabaab rebel group, which is battling Kenyan troops deployed in southern Somalia under an African peacekeeping mandate, said Kenya was at a crossroads to decide whether it wanted further violence, or peace.

“If you continue upon the path of war, then bear in mind that we are strong-willed men who fight upon the command of Allah,” al-Shabaab said in a statement.

Kenyans vote next Monday, but none of the eight presidential candidates contesting the close-fought March 4th poll have said they would pull troops out of neighbouring Somalia.


Al Shabaab did not mention the elections in the statement but referred to “the changing political climate” as the key to “a future that involves less bloodshed”. – (Reuters)