Ship visit promotion attacked

THE National Lottery promotion of the US Aircraft Carrier, J.F

THE National Lottery promotion of the US Aircraft Carrier, J.F. Kennedy, visit has been described as obscene by the Green Party spokeswoman on nuclear affairs, Ms Clare Wheeler.

"It is entirely inappropriate for the National lottery, which was set up to support activities, such sport, to support any of US military in any way. It is obscene to create a carnival atmosphere and family day out around a warship that was used for killing civilians in Iraq," stated Ms Wheeler.

Ms Deirdre Cronin, spokeswoman for the Stop the Warship Campaign, also criticised the Lottery for promoting the visit and called on it to withdraw its sponsorship.

"The National Lottery should not spend funds on endorsing military displays. Most of the publicity surrounding the visit is focused on the aircraft carrier's size while ignoring the fact that it is a warship, used for killing people."


Over 10,000 members of the public will visit the aircraft carrier in July as part of a promotional drive by the National Lottery. Tickets to visit the ship were distributed via a lottery postal competition.

A National Lottery spokesman said the lottery was the an ideal vehicle to distribute tickets in a democratic way.