Shake-up in North school funding expected

Stormont Education Minister Mr Martin McGuinness is set to announce a radical overhaul of school funding in Northern Ireland.

Stormont Education Minister Mr Martin McGuinness is set to announce a radical overhaul of school funding in Northern Ireland.

The Sinn Féin Minister is planning to introduce a more equal method of slicing up the annual budget in accordance with the Executive's policy of "Targeting Social Need".

At present the Local Management of Schools (LMS) system employs seven different budgeting formulas across the different sectors.

Mr McGuinness's plan is to produce a single formula aimed at removing discrepancies and inequalities in the system.


It is expected smaller primary schools will benefit from the new unified approach. The Department of Education will launch a consultation process which is expected to be completed by June.

The move was welcomed by Sinn Féin education spokesman Mr Barry McElduff who said it was essential additional resources were directed to schools in the most deprived areas.