Sex abuse file on priest sent to DPP

THE DPP is examining a file on a priest who is alleged to have sexually abused a number of young boys in several parishes in …

THE DPP is examining a file on a priest who is alleged to have sexually abused a number of young boys in several parishes in the diocese of Meath. The priest is now in his 70s and no longer an active minister in the Church.

Some of the alleged offences are said to have taken place in presbyteries where he was living at the time. Others relate to different locations in the diocese and elsewhere. All are said to have taken place in the late 1960s.

A source close to the family of one of the complainants said the church authorities were informed in writing of the complaints.

Gardaí in Co Meath completed their investigations earlier this year and have prepared a file for the DPP. They interviewed the priest at length and put all the allegations to him. It is understood that five men have made formal complaints.