September 11th no longer US's 'bloodiest' day

New York - As officials continue to revise downward the estimates of the number of lives lost in the September 11th terror attacks…

New York - As officials continue to revise downward the estimates of the number of lives lost in the September 11th terror attacks, a day of fierce battles during the US Civil War has reclaimed the dubious distinction as the "bloodiest day in America", according to news reports.

The New York Times reported September 17th, 1862, can once again claim the title of bloodiest day in US history, when at least 3,650 Confederate and Union soldiers died at the Battle of Antietam, and thousands of others were wounded.

The death toll in the World Trade Center attack originally was estimated to be near 7,000, but now stands at around 3,300 and could decline further as the count is refined.