Science Week events announced

The science behind everything from football boots to cosmetics will be revealed in events held across the country during Science…

The science behind everything from football boots to cosmetics will be revealed in events held across the country during Science Week 2007, which runs from November 11th to 18th.

Details were launched yesterday in Dublin's City Hall. More than 400 talks, displays and shows are planned during the week to bring a better understanding of science to the general public.

This year's programme features the opportunity to win a trip for two to Las Vegas, for zero-gravity flights on G-Force One, the type of aircraft used to train Nasa astronauts.

As part of yesterday's launch, students from Rathfarnham Educate Together National School learned about the physics of break-dancing with a high-energy demonstration by the Physical Jerks and an explanation from University College Dublin physics lecturer Dr Dominic Zerulla. The children were entertained by the Nintendo Wii and its wireless remote magic mirrors in keeping with the theme of "Surrounded by Science".


Minister for Education Mary Hanafin underscored the importance of science education. "Fostering the interests of children and encouraging them to follow a career in the sciences is critical to the continued economic success of the country, particularly as we further develop a knowledge-based economy."

Now in its 11th year, Science Week is made up of events organised by universities, institutes, schools and libraries, all corralled by Discover Science and Engineering, the Government's programme for science awareness.

Highlights this year include a November 13th lecture by former Liverpool footballer Craig Johnston, who will reveal the science behind the development of a worldwide best-selling boot, and a talk by former Nasa astronaut Joe Edwards jnr on November 14th. Some events require pre-booking. Details can be found at