School bus drivers call off strike

A strike that would have left around 14,000 school pupils without a bus service tomorrow has been averted.

A strike that would have left around 14,000 school pupils without a bus service tomorrow has been averted.

Siptu and the National Bus and Rail Union (NBRU), which represents the 550 part-time Bus Éireann school drivers agreed today to defer the action to allow a ballot of a new proposal brokered at the Labour Relations Commission.

The drivers were due to go on strike tomorrow in a dispute over pay and conditions.

Siptu national industrial secretary Michael Halpenny said the union was recommending acceptance of the proposal, "which represents a substantial step forward in pay and conditions for our members".


If the drivers accept the proposals, their basic rate will increase from €11.66 per hour to €12.50 with an incremental scale up to €14.50 over time.

The drivers will also be entitled to join the company pension scheme, and access to its sick pay scheme will be examined. In return, the drivers must agree to extra productivity measures.

NBRU general secretary Michael Faherty also recommended the proposals saying they were "the best possible in the circumstances".