Sargent calls for GMO-free zone

Acting leader of the Green Party Trevor Sargent has called for Ireland to become the EU's 100 per cent GMO-free zone.

Acting leader of the Green Party Trevor Sargent has called for Ireland to become the EU's 100 per cent GMO-free zone.

In his first environmental statement as a member of coalition party, Mr Sargent said Irish farmers were losing out as a large number of European retail giants ban GM produce.

Retailers such as Tesco, Sainsburys, M&S, and Carrefour have extended bans on GM foods to include meat and milk produce from livestock fed on GM ingredients.

Mr Sargent told a briefing on Food Safety and GMOs at the European Parliament Office in Dublin today that the use of GM animal feed is "damaging our world famous clean green reputation as Ireland the food island.


"There is plenty of certified non-GMO feed available, and the slight extra costs can be offset by price premia now being offered by retailers," Mr Sargent said.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times