Safeguarding Trust

Code of good practice

Code of good practice

Safeguarding Trust, the Church of Ireland code of good practice for ministry with children, was published in 1997, two years before the State published its Children First guidelines for voluntary organisations.

It states that any suspicion that abuse has occurred must be conveyed to those bodies with statutory responsibility for child protection."All allegations or suspicion of abuse must be taken seriously and responded to according to the procedures outlined in Safeguarding Trust."

Its procedures are that anyone working with children should ensure "as far as is reasonably practicable" that he/she is not left alone with a child. Workers with children should not arrange to meet a child off church premises without a parent, guardian or other adult being present.


They should endeavour to have at least two adults present with a group and should never allow, as far as is reasonably practicable, a group to be taken off church premises with fewer than two adults and without the written consent of their parents or guardian.

Parish workers are also advised, as a general principle, "not to make unnecessary physical contact" with children and where, for instance, first aid is required, this should take place where other children or another adult was present.