Russia says Chechen guerrilla leader killed

RUSSIA: Russia said on yesterday its troops had killed one of the country's most wanted and reviled men, Khattab, an Arab-born…

RUSSIA: Russia said on yesterday its troops had killed one of the country's most wanted and reviled men, Khattab, an Arab-born Chechen guerrilla leader with suspected links to Osama bin Laden.

"The international terrorist Khattab, an ideologist and organiser of terrorist activity, has been eliminated," a Federal Security Service spokesman said. Khattab's death would be a major coup for Moscow after more than two years of failed efforts to kill or capture any of the key warlords leading an anti-Russian rebellion in Chechnya. Reports about Khattab's death have surfaced regularly. - (Reuters)

Olympic president warns China

BEIJING - The International Olympic Committee has warned that China could lose the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games if it doesn't honour its pledge to improve on human rights, Miriam Donohoe, Asia Correspondent, reports.


A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman declined yesterday to comment on the warning by the International Olympic Committee president, Mr Jacques Rogge, who said if human rights, security, or logistics "were not acted upon to our satisfaction then we will act".

North Korea threatens US

BEIJING - North Korea's 1.2 million-strong army was told yesterday to deal "merciless blows" if the US or other forces put a toe over the border into the Stalinist state, writes Miriam Donohoe.

The message was delivered by the North Korean Defence Minister to soldiers at a ceremony to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the North Korean army. The ceremony was attended by the reclusive leader, Mr Kim Jong-il, in a rare public appearance.