Rent levels to affect college choice - USI

Students could soon be forced to decide what college to attend based on soaring private rent costs and a shortage of affordable…

Students could soon be forced to decide what college to attend based on soaring private rent costs and a shortage of affordable accommodation, it was claimed today.

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) said new figures show the gap between the student grant and the cost of renting is growing.

The organisation said rent in Dublin is now around €500 a month rent against a standard grant of €380, compared to a year ago when the equivalent rent was €450 and grant of €346.

The union made fresh calls for the establishment of a student accommodation task force.


"Last August, ministers boasted of raising the basic student grant by 10 per cent," said USI President Hamidreza Khodabakhshi. "That was a hollow boast, because students this year are worse off in real terms.

"Unless the grant is adequately increased and the task force established soon, students could be forced to make decisions about which college to attend based on accommodation costs and availability."

The organisation maintains Minister for the Environment John Gormley promised a task force three months ago.